Early Intervention Papers

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Because Down syndrome is not a condition that can be cured, management with quality of life is the best thing for the individual. A combination of diet, exercise, and lifestyle interventions will be the best option for the individual with Down syndrome (Gene Facts, n.d.). “Early intervention and many other therapeutic services are offered to people with Down syndrome” (National Down Syndrome Society, n.d.). Early intervention is a type of therapy that is given for children under the age of three years old. “The most common early intervention services for babies with Down syndrome are physical therapy, speech and language therapy, and occupational therapy” (National Down Syndrome Society, n.d.). As previously stated earlier, developmental milestones are delayed so working on those milestones as soon as possible will help the individual be successful later on in life. …show more content…

The speech and language therapists can help with strengthening the baby’s jaw and facial muscles, as well as future communication skills. (National Down Syndrome Society, n.d.). Occupational therapists will help the baby with developing skills that have to do with their play and leisure occupations, such as stacking blocks, picking up toys, and drawing with crayons (National Down Syndrome Society, n.d.). As the child gets older, their therapy will be targeting skills that need to be achieved in accordance to their age. Examples of this are going to school and developing techniques that will allow them to do well in class assignments, participating in community-based activities, activities of daily living, and work

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