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PROBLEM (SCENARIO 2): Meanwhile, the problem faced by Mr Andy is due to the misbehavior that mostly caused by two students in the classroom who are Danish and Ani. First and foremost, Danish can be said as one of the laziest boy in the classroom as he seldom completes his homework or will just stares blankly or watching his other friends when the teaching and learning process is being carried out in the classroom. Most probably he might be an autistic child, who has difficulty in learning and thus, needs extra coaching or tutoring from the teacher (assistance) to help and guide him in his studies. On the other hand another problematic student in the classroom is Ani, who is probably a mild hyperactive student in the classroom. According to Fitzgerald, Bellgrove & Gill (2008), hyperactivity causes the children to express restlessness and an “abnormal capacity for sustained attention”. That is why Ani is said easily loses or having difficulty in sustaining her attention span in the classroom as, even though she is more hardworking than Danish, and completes all her works given by Mr Andy, she has a kind disruptive behavior, where after her work is done, she will begin disturbing her classmates or peers. This causes, Mr Andy to have biggest problem in the classroom to carry out his teaching process smoothly and systematically. Sometimes Ani makes crack jokes in the classroom, which causes the rest of the classroom students lose their concentration in the teaching and learning process and lead to the failure in controlling and managing the classroom and also the behaviour of the students by Mr Andy. Therefore, in Mr Andy’s classroom, he has biggest problem to control the behaviour of two students in his classroom where probably the ba... ... middle of paper ... ...matically and smoothly in the classroom. CONCLUSION : As a conclusion, we as a future teacher should aware and alert always in the classroom under the concept of “withitness and overlapping” under the Kounins’ Model Of Group Management if we realise that, our students begin to show restlessness or expressing any misbehaviour in the classroom. Therefore, as a creative and innovative teacher, we should always try to equip different teaching styles or strategies and thus including many teaching aids or any visuals in our teaching so that the students are being motivated to engage themselves in fun and attracting teaching and learning process. We can also always refer to any experts such as the counsellors or any other superior authorities, if we confront with severe misbehaviour or special needs students to guide and assist us during our teaching in the classrooms.

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