Dystopian Animal Farm

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Animal Farm, a book by the journalist and author George Orwell, is a dystopian novel about a group of animals that take over a farm from the previous owner Mr. Jones, and begin to sustain themselves. The animals rename the farm “Animal Farm”. Animal farm thrives, withstanding several attacks from other farms, but the real problem is inside the farm itself. My opinion on this book is that it gives you a good grasp on the issue of communism, while also being very interesting. Animal Farm comes to be when an old boar named Old Major riles the animals against Mr. Jones, the owner of the farm that the animals live on. When Old Major dies, the animals attack Mr. Jones and force him to leave the farm. The animals celebrate and rename the farm “Animal …show more content…

Napoleon is a large boar, who was fierce and always had his way. Napoleon also changed a lot throughout the story. In the beginning of the story, Napoleon seemed to respect all the other animals equally. However, towards the end of the story, his traits became more and more human-like as he began walking on two legs and drinking wine. Napoleon also gets crueler and crueler, and he shows that when he starves the hens to stop the hens from rebelling. Napoleon’s role in the story was to control the farm, even though he did it as a dictator. Napoleon represents a communist leader in the story. As I read the book, I was met by a lot of connections. When the pigs slowly turned into humans, I was reminded of a story that Ms. Covernton told us. In the story, when some people began to watch television, they slowly turned into monkeys. Another connection I made was how the other farms represented countries. The neighboring farms attacking the Animal Farm represented a country fighting another country. After carefully poring over the book, I would give this book a 4 and a half star rating out of five. I give this book such a good score because it has an engaging plot, a spectacular character development, and also has a lot of meaning. I say it has meaning because it is based on the sad issue of communism and its problems. This book matters because it teaches its readers about communism whilst keeping it simple as a simple farm

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