Duties And Responsibilities Of A Citizen Of The United States

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As a citizen of the United States of America, there are many duties and responsibilities that need to be fulfilled and maintained. A responsibility is something that a person is required to do as apart of their obligation to this country. In this case, being a citizen requires many tasks and roles that are expected of them. A “citizen” is defined as a legal member of a nation or state. A citizen is authorized for protection and owes devotion to the government. All people are apart of a community, either the society or even a city. Many believe that they do not owe their country anything or have any civic responsibilities. However, this is not true and the people have many duties to follow. People try and get away with many of the rules that the country has set for the citizens living in it. …show more content…

On the other hand, there are rights that are cited as crucial in the democracy, voting being one of them. Therefore, every citizen is allowed to vote and can not be turned away. People do not always take advantage of these rights that are given and are turned away from them, like voting. Responsibilities can be separated into mandatory and duties as a citizen. If one is a citizen of the United States of America, there are duties and mandatory responsibilities that need to be fulfilled. To become a citizen there are many steps that need to be taken. In order to become a naturalized citizen of the United States, one needs to get a green card, sustain physical presence, complete forms, get fingerprinted, be interviewed by many people, take a test and

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