Dunkin Donuts Persuasive Essay

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It was a dark and stormy night on Tabor’s campus. The wind howled like wolves over Sippican Harbor as the streetlights flickered. However, not even the intense weather conditions could stop my friends and me from adventuring. We struggled to trudge through the mud and torrential downpour to reach our destination, but we were running out of time. I thought to myself, “Will we make it?” I was losing hope. I wanted one thing and one thing only- my old fashioned donut, and I wasn’t stopping until I got it. We practically fell into Dunkin Donuts with one minute to spare, creating a puddle around us with the dripping rainwater. As I breathlessly ordered my donut, I realized that an employee was tossing multiple trays of perfectly good donuts …show more content…

In March of 2016, Starbucks pledged to donate 100 percent of its unsold food still safe to eat to food kitchens, according to USA Today. Dunkin Donuts has the revenue and power to add to this movement, which can inspire other food chains to do the same. To donate leftover food, measures will have to be taken, such as packaging and transportation, which will result in an extra cost for Dunkin Donuts. However, the cost of helping others never outweighs the payment: the satisfaction of making a difference. Because this situation perplexed me, I formulated a plan to change Dunkin Donut’s food waste policy. First, I interviewed employees, who supported a change in policy. Next, I plan to spread the word by using a reliable stomping ground- the Internet. Through an online petition, I plan to get at least 10,000 signatures. Hopefully by then, my message will reach corporate. If all else fails, radical action will have to be taken. I will work another job at Dunkin Donuts until I have built an army of fellow supporters. I will not stop until those trays of donuts are slid into a sealed container and sent to food

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