Dulce Et Decorum Est

1945 Words4 Pages

War is the greatest flaw in mankind. For generations, war has been around. In the old days before World War One, the idea of going to battle was glorified to the young. War was made out to be like an adventure of a lifetime. In the old ages, war was truly viewed as something great. Those who refused to fight would be viewed as cowards, not wanting to join in on the greatest adventure of a lifetime. When World War One came around after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, many young men from both the Triple Entente and Central Powers joined thinking this war would be the best adventure of their lives as told by previous generations of soldiers. However, they were mistaken. What would eventually be known as the lost generation realized …show more content…

The soldiers are described as beaten up and covered in blood. That one night he was switching from his post to get rest with a fellow group of soldiers, the Germans attacked them with gas. The poem describes the chaos that was endured. The soldiers were described as moving quickly to grab their gas masks to protect them from the mustard gas. It also shows how some soldiers failed to get a mask in time and quickly started to suffer in great pain. Owen describes the way the soldier moved in the gas; spastically moving and screaming like if he was burning in flames. Owen describes the way the soldier died as drowning in a green sea. It is then shown through imagery how graphic the soldier's death was, Owen says “he plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning...his hanging face like a devil’s sick of sin; if you could hear, at every jolt, the blood come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs”. The poem is mainly about how brutal and sickening war can be. When Owen states “his hanging face like a devil’s sick of sin”, it means that even the devil himself is sick of the cruelty of the war. It shows how bad trench warfare was to the soldiers. It worse than Hell to Owens, as the image of the soldier's grotesque death was imprinted into his mind. He could not stop seeing that soldier's death in every thought, especially dreams. There is irony in the phrase Dulce Et Decorum Est, as it means “It is sweet to die for one’s country. Sweet and decorous!” Owen mocks the idea that war is an adventure as he knows the harsh truth of what war is; Hell on Earth. The poem shows the reality of the tales of warfare they have been told about. The soldiers went into the war believing the lies of adventure and glory; however, when they got to the battlefield, they quickly realized it was not true. The connotation of the poem is that the young are taken advantage of and lied to for others

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