Angela Lee Duckworth's View On Grit Is The Key To Success

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Merriam Webster says grit is defined as unyielding courage in the face of hardship or danger. Angela Lee Duckworth’s opinion about grit being the key to success is true and correct. Her points about the kids that didn’t have the highest IQ but were the grittiest and were the most successful in the class showed that grit has to do with success. Another point that she makes is that talent doesn’t make you gritty. Just because someone has more talent than another person doesn’t mean that he or she is better. Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard. The final point that Angela makes is that growth mindset is a good way for building grit. Angela said that growth mindset is the belief that the ability to learn is not fixed, but can be changed with your effort.
In school there are cases where very intellegent kids just don’t have that push or motivation to be successful, but then there are the kids that get a straight A’s even though they aren’t necessarily the smartest kids in the class. The reason for this is because they have grit. They keep going even when times get tough. These people with more grit tend to be more successful since education is very important, and they also have the the mentality to keep going when it is hard. Which is the definition of grit. …show more content…

He was the first overall pick in the 2007 draft, and was bound for greatness. Russell had all the talent in the world, he was fast, had a cannon for an arm, and saw the field very well. Jamarcus was an all-star in college, but had his troubles with being consistent. If things got hard it seemed he would just give up. This showed in the NFL, he is considered one of the biggest busts in NFL history. The way this relates with grit is just because this man was very talented didn’t mean he was bound for success or that he was gritty. It just goes to show that just because you are very talented doesn’t mean you are

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