What Is Dropping Out Of College Essay

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Dropping Out of College
Throughout many people’s lives, the contemplation of dropping out of college and leaving all of the obstacles it brings behind crosses minds daily. People share the common goal of graduating college and reaping the benefits of their careers but also share 3 common detours. One of those is most certainly student loan debt, even before it was glorified on the social media and turned into jokes on graduation caps; debt from student loans has been one thing many don’t look forward to and are still paying off. The second factor is the struggle that college itself offers, early classes, late nights studying and everything in between. The third factor is living costs, to live in the dorms or to live with friends or to live …show more content…

Students in the dorms are the least concerned with their cost of living simply because they don’t see how much is coming out of it month to month it’s all just compiled into a big tuition fee. Whereas students that live on their own find it more important to pay for their own bills and support themselves than to pay for courses in college and books simply because they cannot afford to do so. More than a third of drop outs said that even if they got a grant that covered tuition and books that it’d be hard to move and go back to school simply because of family support and how much they do for them as in no rent and groceries being paid for. Also on an emotional level some kids in college have a hard time branching out and making friends because it’s harder to do in college than high school. Everyone isn’t confined into one building and not everyone is from the town your college is in which makes the community experience a little bit more …show more content…

Attendance is typically a percentage of your grade and the motivation to get up and go to class deteriorates as you start to go to classes more often and realize that some classes are a little bit more easy to skip. Homework is another burden because when homework is not finished on time you can only get late credit or no credit. When assignments are turned in late or not at all, possible points are lost that could have used to increase your grade. So when students lose or forget to do homework they don’t even look for some credit they usually just think “why do it?’. Rushing assignment goes with this as well, because when you have so much to do in so little time you’ll rush your work, people in college find it hard to pace themselves and feel like they don’t have enough time in their day to do what’s

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