Drones In Humane Warfare

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This buzzing killer is the destroyer of mentalities of the human race. The drone is known as the newly improved warfare machine. Whereas, the United States of America has begun using the aircraft in the Middle East with goals of fixing the terrorism issue. By defining the importance of humane warfare instead of solely machine warfare since drones are horrendous tactics for the military, by refuting those who claim drones make warfare a safer location, by presenting case studies, statistics, visual depictions, and sound arguments, one will be persuaded that drones are inefficient resources until further proven extremely precise without technical difficulties. Notably, everyday depictions of families are seen in morbid and terrorized mentality …show more content…

Although one must understand that people will grieve like any other human when their loved ones have reached demise, especially if wrongfully or even earlier done. The author, Jeremy Scahill, examines with a logically statement, “People who are aggrieved by attacks on their homes that forced them to go out and fight,” since the militants operating in Yemen are receiving such responses of hostility through families, thus there needs to be a reevaluation on the aerial aircraft. Above all, people from Yemen are being pushed into unimaginable thought processes as an effect as there are results concluding, “Support for Al-Qaeda in Yemen is indigenously spreading and merging with the mounting rage of powerful tribes at the United States counterterrorism policy.” (Source K). Besides, none of these families are claiming this lifestyle with open hands, but core members of the terrorist group are growing because the United States is growing with power as the Amnesty International claims, “Drone strikes can be classified as war crimes or illegal extrajudicial executions.” (Source K). When statistics represent these masses converting, whereas declared, “Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula core members grew from three hundred in 2009 when these strikes began once again to seven hundred people in 2012.” (Source K). This is around …show more content…

In fact, this dehumanization is claimed, “Armed drones are scary because they can rain down hellfire thousands of miles away, and they even pull the trigger under the roof of a control room somewhere in the Midwest.” (Source I). When the United States deploys troops physical and mental means are taken under the consideration of death, but under this safety net for troops there is no safety from people being murdered as mental states of troops have been defined as unstable after such events of work. One must carefully see that the “BOOM” of today is the result of a “BOO” from the tomorrow of the victims killed under radical circumstances. (Source E). Additionally, the stats of these victims include, “The estimates of the secretive nature of the program has has one hundred and seventy-four civilians to one thousand four hundred and forty-seven in Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia under the United States drone attacks.” (Source J). Let alone, these strikes are vicious and unexpected leaving not only the dangerous men in few, but also the innocents. In particular, the British Human Rights Group Reprieve has collected hideous numbers such as, “The death of one thousand one hundred and forty-seven people in Yemen and Pakistan, including the children that were attempting the top secret kill list.” (Source I). When is there a stop to the

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