Dramatic Monologue

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Locked. Locked in my own city. Mosquitoes fly past, like they want to tell me something important. I, Waldo Ping, feel trapped in this dreadful building people call the orphanage. I can just remember the day they left me, the sun was up and I just awoke to the sound of carts leaving, the time I thought life was going to end. Everyone around me feels sorrow and I myself feel fear, misery, and sadness. I wake up to the sound of mosquitoes whining in my ear. I feel like that is just as constant as my despair. I look up, everyone is asleep. I recalled the last time my mom and I laughed, 4 months ago, although it feels like centuries have passed. I feel a tear making its way down my cheek. Deep down I feel confused. Why did mom have to leave me? …show more content…

Today is a new day!” Eventually, I wake up. The day has just begun, already feeling today is going to be as grievous as always. I walk downstairs to the sound of plates clattering. “Breakfast!” Olivia, our orphanage maid yells. Today I want to sit alone, just like I want every day. So I do, I sit alone. I am an only child. I don’t have a dad. I have a mom though. She is very sympathetic, however she left me. It’s nearly been 4 months since she realised she couldn’t care for me anymore. Orphanages are always so loud and crowded. My house was very peaceful, just the way I like it. I look outside, the sun comes out peeking from behind the clouds, on this very hot August day. “Do you want to go outside?” Phil asked. I really don’t want to but I say sure anyway. We run and play around the garden until… “Hey, I see something over there next to the bushes. I wonder what it is,” Phil wondered with a puzzled look on his face. I get rid of the leaves that were covering it. A boy. I look at Phil with shock. I remember now, that was the boy that lived across my street. Dead. “Should we leave him or bring him inside?” Phil asked …show more content…

We can’t do anything to make him feel better. Plus, there are already 30 kids clumped here, I don’t think we have any more room for alive or dead.” He looks just like me, blonde hair, blue eyes and, freckles all over his face. It took me a matter of days to realise that something horrible was going on due to the fact that so many have passed away. “Only 2 days have past and already more than 600 people have died. Philadelphia used to be such a big city with so many habitants. Those poor people. I read it’s a disease going on caused by a type of animal,” Olivia announced during supper. It was hard to fall asleep that night. There are already 12 kids sick at Alden orphanage. I don’t think it’s just a fever spreading it’s more than just a sickness, something's wrong and I want to know

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