Dramatic Irony In Animal Farm

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George Orwell’s novella, Animal Farm is a satirical allegorical read which presents the events that occurred during the Russian Revolution 1905.
Politically controversial in its time the fable uses many aesthetic features and genre to position readers to view Orwell’s perspectives on Joseph Stalin and the Russian Revolution and the treacherous corruptions that followed as seen in Orwell’s eyes. Animal farm is thought to be one of the most accurate representations of the Russian revolution and corruption within. Orwell shines light on a dark truth by representing key figures of the revolution as mere farm animals veiling the vile exploitation and cruelty of Joseph Stalin with child like concepts. George Orwell carefully manipulates the theme …show more content…

The novella Animal farm is filled with dramatic irony. To truly understand the point of Animal Farm the readers must have insight about the Russian Revolution and Joseph Stalin as well as the rise of communism otherwise the book is how it was veiled, a fairy tail story with no real substance. Dramatic irony is also used when boxer is being taken to the slaughter house as although squealer assures the animals that he was going to be given help at the hospital the readers of the novel know this isn’t the case and in fact Boxer was being taken to the horse slaughter. The animals are once again affected by there intelligence and education as they cannot read what is on the side of the van disabling them to act accordingly. The animals reasoning behind taking over the farm was because they were being treated cruelly and inhumanly by the corrupt farmer Mr. Jones. They believed that humans were the issues of this treatment as shown with there initial slogan “All men are enemies. All animals are comrades.” (pg.9) The situational irony is that Napoleon and the pigs also ended up exploiting work from the animals, starving and manipulating the animals. Napoleon becomes just as bad if not worse then Mr. Jones. “You don’t want Mr. Jones to come back” is an interesting example of verbal irony within the book as when Squealer says this the hidden message is you don’t want to stand up against us. Animal farm is filled with this type of irony as it works well with the character’s

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