Dr Heidegger's Major Accomplishments

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Chris Anthony Heidegger, 60, of Denver, Colorado, passed away from natural causes on January 5, 1900. Survivors include, his fiance Sylvia Ward of Denver Colorado. He was Preceded in death by his parents, Rick and Susan Heidegger of Denver Colorado. At a older age Mr Heidegger was described as, … “ a white bearded man”. (1) Mr Heidegger was born in Denver, Colorado where he later did. Mr Heidegger always said why would you not stay in the same town for the rest of your life. He always said he would want to end it where it all started. Dr Heidegger had some major achievements one of those is a experiment where he had special water that made a dead flower come back alive. Mr Heidegger was big in church and community service. He also was a good

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