Dr. Eben Alexander On The Afterlife

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“Our spirit is not dependent on the brain or body. It is eternal, and no one has one sentence worth of hard evidence that it isn’t.” In this quote Dr. Eben Alexander briefly describes the logistics of the theory of the afterlife; no real evidence against it exists while countless forms of support circulate. Not only has Dr. Alexander provided evidence, but many others with near death experiences have shared their testimonies in support of the afterlife. Current scientific explanations have also shown dramatic support for the afterlife, along with the history of the afterlife. All of these pieces serve as evidence that causes the idea of the afterlife to become a more evident truth in comparison to there not being an afterlife. Although the …show more content…

Eben Alexander, is one of many who confessed their recollections of their experience with the afterlife. Dr. Alexander is a well-respected academic surgeon at Harvard University (NPR Staff). Before having his own experience, he would rebut all claims for the afterlife with science. Dr. Eben Alexander’s view on the afterlife changed dramatically when he was put in a coma in 2008 for seven days due to a severe bacterial meningitis, a fatal disease caused by the inflation of the membrane covering the brain and spinal cord. During this time Dr. Alexander’s neocortex, the part of the brain that allows one to visualize and dream, was destroyed, which is one of the main factors that causes him to believe that this was more than just a hallucination …show more content…

Eben Alexander recalls the first six days of his coma to be nothing for what felt like years. On the seventh day, everything changed. He describes being rescued by a beautiful white light that was accompanied by a stunning melody. “[The light]... opened up into a bright valley, an extremely verdant valley with blossoming flowers" (Moran and Marsh). Dr. Alexander goes on to describe how he heard his son by his bedside, and he forced himself to come back. While he did return to the hospital, he wasn’t in his body. He could see his son, but the words his son spoke were gibberish, yet Dr. Alexander could feel the love in the words that his son was saying. He felt he had to come back for his son. In the years since his experience with death, Dr. Alexander has written a book (Proof of Heaven), appeared on The Doctor Oz Show and on Oprah, participated in a debate about the afterlife, and continued his research on the afterlife (NPR Staff). These appearances and actions show the Dr. Alexander stands fully behind his story and wants to let everyone know; he’s not unsure about his

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