Doubt Father Flynn

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Father Flynn is he really a man of god or does he have the devil inside him? The play Doubt by Patrick Shanley is based around Sister Aloysius accusation of rape against Father Flynn. Sister Aloysius believes this because after the boy Donald Muller had a private talk with Father Flynn he had alcohol breath. Sister Aloysius tries to prove Father Flynn forced Donald to drink the alcohol to allow him access. While Father Flynn claims he was scolding Donald Muller for drinking alcohol from the altar and didn’t want to reveal what had happened because it would force him to remove Donald Muller from the altar boys. Based on the Evidence in Patrick Shanley’s play, Doubt: A Parable, I conclude Father Flynn is Innocent because of Sister Aloysius fixed opinion and Sister Aloysius belief of human nature. …show more content…

Sister Aloysius has such different views from Father Flynn that she refuses to see any good in him. Due to this she always suspects the worst and, refuses to accept any other explanation. So when she finds out Father Flynn had a private talk with Donald Muller instead of thinking about what is best for the boy Sister Aloysius accuses Father Flynn of rape forcing Flynn to reveal what happened. This accusation not only forced Father Flynn to have to remove Donald Muller from the alter boys being the only group he enjoyed it also removed Father Flynn the only person Donald Muller would look for guidance from his

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