Doubek's Attention, Students: Put Your Laptops Away

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Since I was young I can always remember writing everything down by hand and it was the only effective way to take notes, but as the years went on technology advanced and I saw more people doing taking notes differently, yet I couldn’t change the way I was used to taking notes. In my little hometown in Cuba, we were taught to write the most important things down and then review them for any test. As I grew up I got so used to that style that to this day I still follow that habit since they have gotten me far in all of my tests and classes. I have come to understand that to get better, you have to work harder. In the article “Attention, Students: Put Your Laptops Away”, the author James Doubek expresses the differences between writing down notes and typing them on a laptop or tablet. Doubek says students using laptops tend to “take verbatim notes”(2) and “write down as much of the lecture”(2) these students write down anything the professor says instead of …show more content…

The article is all based on one experiment he read about and then gives us the facts from the study instead of researching more about the experiment to give the reader more details of the topic; since he doesn’t take into account that most of the college students are his audience and almost all of them do use their laptops on a daily basis to take notes. However, Doubek lets us know that technology is improving more and more everyday which will assist students using devices to take notes on mentioned devices and hopefully help as much as the hand-taking notes

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