Doomed Love In Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeare’s most widely recognized plays, having been made into books and even movies, and inspired a superfluity of other stories as well. The play is a tragedy, which incorporates excessive deaths, mostly of the protagonists that were part of the whole story. This particular play deals with two teenagers from separate families involved in a years-old family feud that fall in love, the families being the Montagues and the Capulets. However, because of the feud occurring between their respective families, they are not allowed to love each other. Despite this, Romeo and Juliet manage to see each other secretly. In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, doomed love is the main theme, and Romeo, along with Juliet, help illustrate that. …show more content…

It was love at first sight for both Juliet and Romeo ever since they set eyes on each other at the Capulets’ party. They did not care about the stereotypes regarding the other’s family, despite their families being mortal enemies, and instead sought for a way to be together. Yet, their love was not meant to be because of the Montague and Capulet family feud. Their families hated each other and refused to see the unconditional love between their children. In a way, it was their fault that Romeo and Juliet took their own lives for each other because they were driven to take extreme measures if it was the only way they could be together. It is because of the feud that their love was doomed, and they would never be able to be together without the shaming of their families. Juliet would do anything for Romeo and Romeo would do anything for Juliet, yet they would not be able to love each other for the feud prevented them from doing

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