Donald Trump's Arguments To Make America Great Again

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With the slogan “Make America Great Again”, Donald Trump announced on June 16, 2015 that he was running on the republican ticket for the 2016 presidential election. Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946 in Queens, New York, and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1968. After college, Donald Trump became a well-known reality television star and a successful business leader by 2004. Trump plans to “Make America Great Again” by having reforms such as the veterans administration reform, immigration reform, and a tax reform. Having these reforms in mind, everyone should vote for Donald Trump as the next president. If Donald Trump is elected as president, his reforms will help America instead of tear us down like democratic front runners …show more content…

Trump exclaims, “Real immigration reform puts the needs of working people first – not wealthy globetrotting donors. We are the only country in the world whose immigration system puts the needs of other nations ahead of our own. That must change” (“Show Your Support…”). Trump’s plan is to make Mexico pay for the wall he wants to build on the southern United States border, triple the number of ICE officers, make a mandatory return of all criminal aliens, provide a nationwide e-verify, end birthright citizenship, enhance penalties for overstaying a visa, and put America’s workers first. Making Mexico pay for the wall that will be built along the Southern border, will help America because a lot of our struggles today have a lot to do with illegal immigrants. Building the wall will help keep illegal immigrants out of our country, also tripling the number of ICE officers will help keep better lookout along the border for illegal immigrants trying to sneak into America. Tripling the number also creates more jobs for Americans to take part in and make money. Creating a mandatory return of all criminal aliens is something that should be highly advised. Sending criminal aliens back to their home country should be a must because they had a privilege to be in the United States and instead of living their life in a better country they decided to commit crimes against natural american citizens. We should not let immigrants stay in our country just because they have their visa, having their visa should be a privilege and if they commit crimes against us, it should be taken away. If immigrants overstay their visas there should be a penalty because they are now living as illegal immigrants in our country, which should not be looked lightly upon. Ending the birthright citizenship, will stop illegal immigrants from sneaking in to have their child in the United States. Immigrants try to sneak in to have their child,

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