Donald Trump Satire

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I am 50 years old a Republican. Growing up I remember Sundays the stores were closed and that was extended family time, we would have family bbq or family reunions on Saturday with no one having to leave earlier because of the work the next day, I loved that. There was so much more respect and family values then, what happen? Computers and cell phones. I have two sons now in their twenties I allowed them to have laptops and cell phones as teens, but I put limits on it, I was not going to allow them to grow up not having family values, when we have our holiday parties cell phones are shut off. Now I know people are going to disagree with me but the truth is I have seen it with my sons friends growing up, friends coming over on Christmas …show more content…

Racist please I think a lot people just love throwing that word around, Donald Trump is far from a racist. This kills me too people are now saying that picture that he posted of his wife and Cruz’s wife had to do with looks, my best friend who is a physiatrist says that picture had nothing to do with looks Trump was talking about her persona, I mean she does look angry in that picture. I am Voting for Donald Trump because I believe he will bring jobs back and fix our economy, I also believe that he will fight for our country and get those terrorists. One more thing Donald Trump gets attack and fights back and he gets condemned for it. I was bullied as a child for a long time coming home with blood and bruises on me, my mother would fight like hell with the school with no progress, so she decided to send me to karate school to get encouragement and once I did fight back those bullies stopped. He is strong willed and that is what we need for this country. I for one will be going to Cleveland to that convention, for years I have donated to the RNC only to hear that they are planning a open convention and all about the delegates, I don’t give a hoot about delegates the American is who should count. I am getting sick and tired of

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