Domestic Violence: Victims Of Physical Abuse

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An estimated 1.3 million women are victims of physical assault by an intimate partner each year (NCADV). Therefore, making it a serious problem. Domestic violence is behavior in which an individual intimidates another individual by harming them in a physical, sexual, verbal or psychological way (MSU). Many relationships around the world undergo some form of this violence and never report it. People who are involved in any domestic disputes within their homes are a detriment to society due to their learned lack of trust, low self-esteem and complete misunderstanding of civility. Physical abuse is the easiest to identify as it typically leaves marks on a person’s body. It is often defined as the attack or assault of an individual partner through …show more content…

Sexual abuse refers to any unwanted sexual touching, or forceful sexual acts that the victim does not want to do. Cat-calling is also a form of sexual abuse, which is what ties verbal and sexual abuse together. Many people with disabilities become victims of sexual abuse either because they cannot express that it is unwanted or because they simply cannot do much about it or do not understand, for example someone who is paralyzed and is in a wheelchair. Thousands of these cases go unnoticed because there is a lack of understanding about the situation. Millions of cases of the private cases of domestic violence go unnoticed and remain not reported. This tears apart our conception of safety and rips apart the lives of its victim through dangerous physical and emotional scarring and even death. Contrastingly, public cases of domestic violence has gained attention due to the multiple support groups. They reach out to the the media, and the community on individual levels and they bring awareness as we question our safety in an increasingly more violent …show more content…

What hurts the mother, usually hurts the children as they feel bad that they are unable to help their mother. Some even feel as if it was their fault. The children may also be abused themselves, as the child abuse rate is much higher in families where there is spousal abuse. Children with abusive families are much more likely to show more aggressive behavior, which is usually accompanied with depressed and anxious feelings. Multiple studies have shown higher anger, and disobedience levels along with social problems. Not all children exposed to domestic violence will experience such negative effects, many show no signs. Numerous children will experience a high intelligence and self-esteem coupled with strong relationships between siblings and peers; this happens because they strive to do better and not allow for it to bother them. When a child has a support system behind them, it makes parental domestic violence easier to handle. Having social competence with a trusted person is usually very effective for a child experiencing or witnessing

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