Domestic Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)

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Women have been active since the beginning of the early 1800’s and struggle until today’s day, to fight for equality. The civil rights movement spillover inspired women to act and build organizations. One of the major topics that the feminists focused on was Domestic violence that still exists in today’s day. The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) was signed on September 13, 1994, it was the dedication of four long years that women put into to stop the abuse toward females. The act created many programs, support services and the assistances of the police to stop the violence at home and protect women. Before this act women were oppressed by men whether he was the female’s partner or not. Women from different backgrounds that lived in the United …show more content…

The organization started with the name of B’nai B’rith Women (BBW) and in 1995 they changed their name to Jewish Women International (JWI). The Jewish women began working in their B’nai B’rith community, as time went by they worked nationwide. They contributed to United States by working during both World Wars and extended a hand to their fellow people in Europe how were persecuted by Nazi. Also, the organization created programs to inform young girls and adults about domestic violence in the Jewish community. The following association is The Faith Trust Institute born in the 1970’s. It’s a Christian based organization that was created by a female pastor Reverend Dr. Marie M. Fortune and Seattle Rape Relief. This worked because Seattle Rape Relief knew that women would respond if there was a religious leader in charge. Their goal was to inform the congregation about sexually and domestic violence. This organization also influenced other religious leaders to address sexually and domestic violence. An organization that was created in the 1800’s was the Mending the Sacred Hoop. The organization grew from native women’s advocacy and support group for survivors of domestic violence in Duluth, MN. It operated within the Domestic Abuse Intervention Programs …show more content…

Later on, the group established programs for men and women to be education on domestic violence. The next association was the National Clearinghouse for the Defense of Battered Women (NCDBW) created in 1987. It’s the first and only national group that emphasizes on battered women charged with crimes. Barbara Hart came up with the idea to create an organization that provides technical assistance to battered women who are being charged with crimes and to the defense team of the woman like defense attorneys, advocates, expert witnesses, etc. but doesn’t provide direct representation to the battered woman who is being charged with crimes. It’s also a bridge-builder by connecting organizations or individuals that are unwilling to work together. The following group that was initiated in 1992 was the Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence (ASTAK); it focuses on Asia women in Massachusetts and New England. Because Asians enter the United States as immigrants or refugees there’s a language and cultural barrier. This organization offers 24 hours multilingual helpline as well as advocacy services,

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