Domestic Tranquility Definition

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In the preamble of the historical document," Constitution of the United States of America," written by Thomas Jefferson and its many signatories the six elements that they were trying to bring to America were: a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to themselves and their posterity. When Thomas Jefferson and its signatories state: "We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union..." they mean in order to prove to others that they are capable of being an independent country they need to be united. As opposed to the Articles of Confederation, where the states were ruled by their own state government, the U.S. …show more content…

The phrase, I believe, was meant to establish a fair court system. Thomas Jefferson and the signatories of the U.S. Constitution want to bring insured domestic tranquility to America. When stating this in the Constitution, I think that it means that no nation would survive long with civil unrest and rebellions like what happened during the time of the Articles of Confederation: Shay's Rebellion. Peace within the nation was needed to build and establish a strong and united nation. In the U.S. Constitution Thomas Jefferson and it's signatories also state that they want to "provide for the common defense". This means that states no longer needed to depend on their own defense but instead they now could depend on the federal government. Before the U.S. Constitution, federal government wasn't able to provide defense because it was unable to prevent states from engaging in their own foreign policy and

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