Does The Dark Side Of The Moon Unlock A Deeper Meaning?

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In Reference to Cook’s Quote (2005), Does Knowing the Background Reasons of the Production Process of Dark Side of the Moon Unlock a Deeper Meaning and an Enhanced listening Experience?

Music usually tries to express emotions, and every musician or band has an emotion they want to convey to the listener. The songs tell a story and the album cover shows the story behind the album. Pink Floyd’s The Dark Side of the Moon is definitely no exception to this. The themes of the album include greed, passage of time and mental illness, the latter which was influence by Syd Barrett’s mental issues. The Dark Side of the moon was released in March 1973 by the progressive rock band Pink Floyd. The album is driven by emotion, which is a possible reason to why it was, and still is, so successful. It is their eighth studio album and by far their most successful album as it currently holds 892 weeks on the Billboard 200 chart (2015).
The album is a story told in two parts, the first half is a description of a life that is unfulfilled. This is the first half of the album which includes the tracks Speak to me/Breath, On the Run, Time and …show more content…

Within the intro there is a sample played of a man saying “Am I not frightened of dying, any time will do I don’t mind. Why should I be frightened of dying? There’s no reason for it, you’ve gotta go sometime.” This is in fact a response given by one of Pink Floyd’s crew members after Waters asked him “Are you afraid of dying”(Mason, 2005). The main body of this song is Clare Torry’s melismatic “wailing” over the music. This was only decided by the band a couple of weeks before the album was due to be finished (Mabbett, 1995). The band told her to simply think of death and horror, and that is how her part was made, recorded in only three takes (Classic Albums: Pink Floyd - The Making Of 'The Dark Side Of The

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