Does The Amount Of Water Affect How Tall Tomato Plant Grow In 10 Days?

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The question used in this experiment is: how does the amount of water given to a tomato plant affect how tall it grows in 10 days? This question is aimed toward attempting to find the maximum potential of tomato growth and the optimal amount of water you should use to achieve that result. The solution hypothesized for this question states that the more the tomato plant is watered, the taller it will grow. Given numerical values, it states: the tomato plant that is watered with 6 mL of water will grow 2 cm taller than the plant watered with 4 mL of water, which will grow 3 cm taller than the plant that is watered with 2 mL of water. All of these tomato plants are to be watered once per day for 10 days, with the amount of water listed as 6 mL, 4 mL, and 2 mL respectively. The results from this lab show different results than those hypothesized. The results are as follows: the tomato plant watered with 2 mL per day resulted in an average height of 2.8 cm, the plant watered with 4 mL per day …show more content…

This statement concludes that there is no limit for watering the plant, where in reality there is an optimal amount of water for the tomato plant to grow to its highest potential (which is closest to 4 mL per day based on this data). There are solutions to all of the sources of error in this experiment, which seem to mostly be related to increased control in the environment and resources used in the experiment, primarily focusing on temperature control and regulating all trials to be under the same circumstances. Finally, real world application of this experiment can be helpful to real life experiments and scenarios where we can use this same method of measuring growth to find the perfect conditions for growing any plant to its highest

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