Does Globalization Contribute To Sustainable Prosperity

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Achieving sustainable prosperity is a difficult task to face, though the way modern society is going about it is all wrong. Globalization is not helping to obtain the goal of equality. No countries, developed or developing, nor the economic wellbeing of the global community is benefiting from this phenomenon. Globalization does not contribute to sustainable prosperity for all.

Even developed countries, such as Canada, have not met sustainable prosperity for all of their people. Opening up to other developed and developing countries is not helping to achieve it. Many developed countries are outsourcing their jobs to people in less developed countries than their own. However what is happening to the people who previously …show more content…

When companies based in developed countries outsource jobs to people in developing countries increasing their average wages, creates increased disparity among the people of their country. Income disparity is the difference of income distribution across a population. A rise in these differences make the poor seem poorer and make those who are less fortunate feel as though they aren’t doing enough to provide for themselves or their families. When citizens of developing countries sell their products directly to developing countries, such as selling cocoa beans from Ghana or coffee beans from Columbia, they realize that they can get much more money for their produce than they had been from to their own country. Realizing the worth of their merchandise they increase the prices for local buyers; this creates an even larger economic gap and further increased disparity in comparison. Higher prices make goods less affordable for citizens of undeveloped countries and continue to contribute to the downfall of sustainable …show more content…

Many economic situations can lead to depleted sustainability. Andean glaciers are melting faster than they ever have in the last three hundred years. These glaciers have melted nearly fifty four meters since the late nineteen seventies and if they continue at this rate tens of millions of people will need to find a new source of fresh drinking in as little as a couple decades. How prosperous can a person or a nation be without water? The economic need for goods and services from overseas has led to increased pollution from a multitude of sources; this pollution is causing the earth to warm and life essential glaciers to melt. Bolivians are not the only people who will be affected by the melting of glaciers, many low lying coastal cities will be affected dramatically. If all of the ice on the planet melted and drained into the ocean, water levels would raise two hundred sixteen feet, coastal cities including New Orleans, Miami, Cancun, would be entirely underwater. Global warming from globalization is ruining our earth. A high supply to demand ratio on certain goods can also affect sustainability not only of people but of land as well. If there is a high demand for chocolate in Canada, there is a high demand for cocoa beans from chocolate companies. This can cause cocoa pod farmers to over use their land which will eventually result in poor crops from soil that has lost its good

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