Does Ginkgo Improve Memory

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5. Does ginkgo improve memory? Defend your position with evidence. Ginkgo biloba is used as food and medicine and is native to China. Research evidence has shown that ginkgo extracts improves memory and information-processing in patients with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) or mild cognitive impairment. The pharmacodynamics of Ginkgo include an increase in release and reuptake of choline, and increase Acetylcholine mascunergic (Achmr) in the hippocampus, and increases reuptake of serotonin, reduces beta- adrenergic activity by inhibiting Monoamine Oxidase. It is known to improve short-term memory, visual memory, thinking and alertness. Gauthier and Schlaefke (2014) reported that Ginkgo biloba interferes with pathogenic mechanisms involved in Alzheimer’s disease and Vascular Dementia. It protects mitochondria with age-related damage and improves energy metabolism (Abdel-Kader, Hauptmann, Keil et al, 2007). Gauthier and Schlaefke (2014) conducted a systemic review to evaluate current evidence for Ginkgo as an effective treatment for Dementia. The eligible clinical trial studies were selected from PubMed, PASCAL, and EMBASE. A total of seven clinical trial …show more content…

The underlying mechanisms appeared to be related to the signal regulation on the cholinergic system and antioxidant enzymes system. The study found that the use of EGb761 can regulate the activity of Acetylcholinesterase (AChE), as well as Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT). ChAT is involved in the synthesis of Acetylcholine (Ach) while AChE catalyzes the breakdown Ach, hence regulating the activity of Ach in Hippocampus. Therefore, the results of this study provide the prospective use of Gingko for patients with Alzheimer’s

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