Documentary Proposal: Weight Of A Nation

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I have chosen Weight of a Nation. A very shocking documentary. Quantum organizations are referred where stakeholders know how to access the infinite potential of the quantum field. Viewing healthcare organizations from perspective of quantum theory suggest new approaches into management techniques for effective and efficient delivery of healthcare services (Dargahi, 2013). Unfortunately, obesity and metabolism in general are very complicated issues and needs a comprehensive preventive program. Although its risk factors are myriad and compounding, there is an urgent need for deeper understanding of the way risk factors interact with each other, and the potential solutions to the epidemic are as multi-leveled and complex as its causes. As the widespread availability of highly calorific food has resulted in a high incidence of obesity, attempts …show more content…

Increasing ease of life, owing to reduced physical labor and automated transportation, an increasingly sedentary lifestyle, and liberal access to calorie-dense food, driven by dramatic economic growth in many parts of the world in the last century, have turned a once rare disease of the affluent into one of the most common diseases—increasingly of the poor. That barely one in three people in the USA today are normal weight portends, quite simply, an astounding and frightening future. Significant reductions in public health and healthcare expenditures could occur around the world if we were able to stem the tide of childhood obesity trends, and if young and middle-aged overweight and obese adults lost approximately 10% of their body weight, as recommended for a considerably reduced risk of debilitating chronic conditions (Hruby & Hu,

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