Document Management
When planning to implement a document management system, there are many factors to consider. First you have to consider how you want to store your documents, be it electronic, paper format, or both; you have to have adequate storage space. Next you have to decide whether you are going to attempt to archive old documents your organization has in storage. A major factor in determining the format you are going to save your documents in is to decide the length of time you wish to keep you documents and the amount of space you have in which to keep your documents. If you are going to keep your documents in a paper format you have to keep in mind the amount of space it will take to store them. Another consideration when determining storage of your organizations documents is how you want to organize your documents be it chronologically or subject based, you need to decide what works best for your organization. And lastly you have to decide how you are going to take those old documents, created before computers, and turn them in to a format which can be stored electronically. There are many different formats which can be beneficial when keeping an archive of documents. There are many reasons why documents need to be managed. First and foremost they serve as a historical log of where your organization came from and they will help shape where your organization can go in the future. Documents can be a reference of how past projects were worked and offer practical solutions for issues which come up in all projects. Keeping documents can be beneficial for every organization, from keeping records to showing where the organization can go, documents play a part in the every day workings of every organization.
One of the first things you will need to consider is what format you intend to keep your documents in. There are many different formats from which to choose from, and one of the test you will have to use to determine which format you will want to use is are you going to what to change information with in the document. Buy that, will you want to use some of the content from a past document to help shape future documents, or will you want to change any of the information contained with in the document to keep with the changing times.
The notebook will be called the TJ (Teller Journal).The teller journal will be a notebook that tellers will have space to write personal notes, personal goals, and write their strengthens and weakness. Also I would like to implement a process where employees can voice their opinion with upper management. The process can become applied by scheduling one employee, per month, to meet with upper management. Upper management can also discuss any concerns the employee may have. Allowing upper management time to have these meeting, will allow the transition of sales to continue being smooth ,and to continue have our customers and employees feel conformable and
1.1 Describe Systems and Procedures for Storing and Retrieving Information Collect documents to be filed, sort in to alphabetical, numerical or chronological order, find the relevant file and place the document inside after it’s divider, and return the file to its original place. Confidential files should be kept in a lockable cabinet and old documents should be shredded after the length of time outlined by the organisation. Electronic filing is similar but on the computer. It is important to name files so that they are easily recognisable by everyone who may need to access it. If the information is confidential it should be encrypted with a password to prevent unauthorised access.
A database is for the most part utilized for putting away related, organized information, with all around characterized information positions, in a productive way for addition, redesign and/or recovery (contingent upon application). Then again, a record framework is a more unstructured information store for putting away discretionary, presumably disconnected information. The record framework is more broad, and databases are based on top of the general information stockpiling administrations gave by document frameworks. There are additionally contrasts in the normal level of administration gave by document frameworks and databases. While databases must act naturally reliable at any moment in time (consider banks following cash!), give confined exchanges and sturdy composes, a document framework gives much looser
The first part has a list of outdated software, legacy system. They are commonly referred to by their names such as MAS, SQL, Adhoc and other slight variations. What makes our project complex is that the systems are not operating on the same level. Some keep only our transactions and the other systems contain financial data that is booked for record. To transform all that into one system requires understanding the design of the legacy systems. Unfortunately, some of the design is not intuitive but after going through iterations of mathematical formula, you can validate some of the data. The second part called “proposed” has a list of the newer software that can be a one stop place for all data. When the project ends, the sections in the table above will be available in
File management is used to keep, send and receive files efficiently so the files can be accessed easily. Using naming conventions and good file structuring are some ways for people to organize files and make it easier for themselves to access their work. Without good file management, the user will use up a lot of their time and effort trying to find the right files. A good example of good file management is putting all the python files in one folder and not have them mixed up with other
If I were to continue in my placement, I would need to know how to use the computer programs designed to draft up different legal documents, such as real estate
For the document review we can use different software like Graphics modeling software, Personal information managers, Wireless communication devices etc.
the key impacts on how staff and teams are organized are similar. The most important questioned to address may not be how are staff currently being reorganized in the wake of new technologies, but rather how should staff best be deployed to take full advantages of the potential available. Other than that, to manage electronic records, we need records manager who had skills and information on how to handle the tools to manage those records. Before these recent years, all the records are being managed in form of paper based, so it must be difficult for the records managers who are more familiar with records in paper based to become expert in managing electronic records. They need to be train well on how to manage the electronic records to make them expert on it. It must be take long time to trained the especially if the record managers or staff are older. In addition, consider differences among generations in technology usage during their respective formative, pre-working years, the technological skills and expectation they ultimately bring to the workplace and their influence on work practices and recordkeeping, in particular as their members reach senior professional and managerial positions. Today technological issues offer fewer insurmountable barriers to implementation of sound recordkeeping solutions than do organizational and cultural factors, while technological innovations plays large role in recordkeeping issues and opportunities to deal with them. Because of the lack of skill of the staff, the organization would execute and budgeting staff are accustomed to funding technology projects by trading labor as human for capital as the technology investments, when in fact the necessity to maintain some records in paper form requ...
When it comes to document client care, applications such as Microsoft Word are useful for the recording and saving information regarding the care of the client. Also understanding how to put information into databases and charts found on Microsoft Excel and Microsoft
A library or information unit must have a dedicated plan on having an organized Collection Development Policy, represents the guideposts of all types of library institutions. Collection development is the process of planning, selecting, acquiring and evaluating the library collections’ convenience to print and electronic collection developments. Thus, it is essential to have a written collection development policy, a statement of general collection building principles with desalinating the purpose and content of a collection in terms of relevance and internal audiences (Clayton and Gorman 2007). Broadly, the international and local libraries have sketched written collection development policies which they are aware of its uses. Recently, the written policies consistently renewed with the rise of digital collections. However, the value of the written collection development plan shakes with the complexity of managing electronic resources, funding and time considerations, criticism on how it written and also its inflexibility. This essay will examine the arguments for having the advantages of the written collection development policy (CDP) and the issues evolve which against the latter.
Documentation in a lab notebook is very important for multiple reasons. When using documentation in a lab notebook it is important to write every single thing down. Writing every detail down is a big deal because of how many different things that those details are needed for. When doing a lab it is important to right every step down. When observing changes or going back over the lab you must know every step you did to make sure you know what happened during the lab. If all measurements are not recorded and something were to go wrong, then there would be no help as to knowing why the lab went wrong. There also needs to be record of everything that happens in a lab for legal reasons. If the lab is important and is a test for a company or government,
...text files and spreadsheets, cloud storage will be very beneficial. Using it as backup for these types of files is a major plus. Internet connection speed is not an issue and almost anyone has easy access to the files.
The concept of Student Information Management System (SIMS) is one that continues to elicit mixed reactions. Its application appears limited by a number of factors. Whitley, Gal, and Kjaergaard (2014) connotes that SIMS faces challenges in acceptability due to the kind of information being stored, personal identification information being stored in the system and the identity of people accessing this information. Ngoma (2009) explores the level of success student information system, a subset of SIMS. Findings from Ngoma’s expedition indicate that many institutions tend to have a negative attitude towards implementation of such projects. Their evaluation mechanism on application of this technology is tied to the level of improvement of the institution especially student performance (Sun & Benton 2008; Chong 2014).
The first and most crucial step is to create a solid plan. Plan should include the techniques, tools and data that are going to used in the project. The responsibilities of all the members should be distributed at this step. The utilization of resources and budgeting of the project should be done here. Management tools such as probability and Impact Matrix, FMEA are useful at this point.