Do You Need To Be Remembered?

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Your life is your message to the world, make sure it is a good one.

How many of you desire to be remembered for many many years, become a legend? And how many of you actually do not care if people remember you or if you are leaving any legacy at all? For those who want to be remembered, do not stop working on it, some day you will benefit from it, and for those others who do not care, you should. Being remembered means that when people see something related to your legacy, they will think of you! I do not know what you want to be remembered for, but I encourage all of you to implement in your life goals leaving your mark.

Leaving your mark does not only mean that people all over the world will remember you for many years, it means leaving your legacy and being remembered as an original, creative, smart, optimistic, and amazing person! I strongly believe that you have two options in life, either you can leave your mark and make the best out of your life, or live an ordinary and boring life. By ordinary and boring life I mean going to work everyday, getting home to eat, going to work again and having the same routine over and over again. As Ashton Kutcher said “everything around us that we call life was made by people that are no smarter than you”. Taking note on that, you have the intelligence and the resources to build your own life, accomplish your dreams and goals, do whatever you want to do, take advantage of that! …show more content…

Take me as an example, I want to leave my mark and be amazingly successful, and for that I’ve been working on it since 5th grade. I want to be secretary general and for that I have worked and will continue working like crazy, making my best effort! But, before starting to work for it, you have to have your goals and values defined, once you have this, you’re good to

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