Do Teen Activists Make The World A Better Place?

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There is no doubt that teen activists avail to make the world a better place, the only difference is what they are doing and what they believe in. There are many different kinds of teen activists. Some are fighting for what they believe in, others for their past experiences, and some for other people. I believe that all teen activists can make the world a better place if they genuinely work hard.

Some teen activists stand up for what they believe in and what they think is right. Let's take Malala Yousafzai for example, she stood up for women and girls rights and eventually won the noble peace prize for being such an astounding human being at the adolescent age of 15. Sometimes teen activists can go through some real hardships because other people brutally disagree with them. When Malala was just 15 years of age, she was on her way home from school when she was attacked by a member of the Taliban and was shot in the side of the head. Malala survived and went on to be an amazing teen activist and kept on standing up for women's rights even after her inhumanly attack. …show more content…

He was fighting against child labor and when he went back to his country he was shot dead. This is when other people stepped in and became an activist for Iqbal. When a couple of students got an interview from Iqbal, they realized how serious this was and that they needed to step in and make a change. When they learned that Iqbal died, that just gave them even more motivation to finish what Iqbal initiated. They built a school in the name of Iqbal in Punjab, Pakistan that now 280 kids go to. I feel that this example authentically show what other people can do for

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