Do Seniors Turn More Conservative With Age

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My topic will be focusing on the shift in political beliefs, social philosophy, and lifestyle towards conservatism with age. This topic came into mind when I saw the statistic regarding the United States 2016 Presidential election where voters that were aged 65 and older preferred Trump over Clinton by 53% to 45% (Maniam & Tyson 2016) and it peaked my interest. This meant that senior citizens were more leaning towards a conservative politician (Trump) rather than a more liberal politician (Hillary). I began to wonder if seniors in Canada, more specifically Saskatoon, were leaning towards conservatism. This is important as this data could not only be used by political parties in Saskatchewan, but also expands towards more broad topics such as gender equality, human rights, and religion.

Research Question
Do seniors turn more conservative with age? Or is it the opposite and senior turn more liberal with age?

I hypothesize that yes that seniors do lean towards conservatism with age as in my personal experience, my grandparents have shifted towards more conservative lifestyles and choices as they age. Though I acknowledge that my grandparents in no way represent the entire …show more content…

An example would be the article published by the Guardian (Tilley 2017), The British Election Study (2015), and Psychology Today (Chamorro 2014). However another article seems to indicate otherwise, as The New York Times article (Rampell 2012) states that people tend to get more liberal with age, which is completely opposite in contrast to the three other articles. However, a post by Daileykos (2012) states that pigeonholing older people into conservatives or liberals is not a good idea, and we should reject this dichotomy, as many people are in between, neither hard conservative nor

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