Do People Survive A Life Threatening Situation?

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During the horrifying event of September 11, 2001, many people lost their lives. Many considered surviving this life threatening situation was all luck. But others can argue that it was the effort that people put in to survive. Even if someone survived a life-threatening situation, they could of been heavily affected by what happend. Many characteristic such as, courage, mental toughness, adaptability accounts for someone surviving a life threatening situation. In September 11, 2001, Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda initiated a coordinated terrorist attack using planes against the United States; they used four planes in total. Two of the planes hitting each of the World Trade Center towers. The third plane hit the pentagon and the last one …show more content…

However, there are scientific proof that it’s actually other factors that determines if someone lives or dies. According to a online article it says that if someone faces a life-threatening situation they will have a fight or flight reaction (“Fight/Flight Reaction). Either that person will just freeze up and doesn’t make the effort to save oneself or run to safety where that person can be saved.
Mental toughness is one of the characteristic that will allow someone to survive a life threatening situation. According to a online article, the person have to have a strong mind in order to make decision to save oneself (Robinson and Bridges). So if the person faces a life-threatening situation and are not able to make a quick decision, he or she will not be able to survive it.
Having the ability to quickly adapt to a situation is important to survive a life-threatening. In the online article, it states that one needs to be able to quickly analyze what is happening and adapt to it (Siebert). Without the ability to analyze a situation, the person is unable to adapt and survive. Also having some knowledge about the situation is important. This online articles says, “Residents living near Mount St Helens, when surveyed during some volcanic activity, did not understand the risks associated with a volcanic eruption” (Robinson and Nikola). Since the people didn’t know the dangers and risk associated with volcanic eruption they could of died or got

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