Divine Lobsters Research Paper

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HIiiii KIIIIIDS IT'S ME YOUR LOCAL LINDA, linda linda linda linda linda! I KILLED AND REPLACED BENNY AND PATRISHA but enough about that! TODAY WE ARE LEARNING ABOOOOUT PUBER- *Slap myself* No just no Ah the slap, Considering the fact i'm in room 29 i've had my fair share of those Hello it's me, Benny and that was not an adele reference today we are learning about the divine LOBSTERS

First let's look at what lobsters really are! They are crustaceans! A large group of aquatic Arthropods which include shrimp, crab, krill and much more! Lobsters tend to be depicted as hot, red and on a plate. This is because when the lobster is cooked the pigmentation is OBLITERATED but the red pigmentation is actually magical so it stays there… Well actually

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