Divided Attention Essay

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Technology is very important tool for advancement of human life. We can utilize technology to help us in everyday life but it can also do the opposite than what it supposed to use for. Laptops and phones has become very important part of our life in past decades. Now we can easily get hold of our love ones and deliver important news within seconds and share our experiences with online social sites with family and friends. All these media tools are used to unite us with our world but we are also being disconnected within ourselves. It seems like our brain are losing its capacity of remembering things what we use to know on top of our head. For instance, before cellphones were invented everyone remembered their friend’s phone number but now hardly He started his essay by two different scenario with different mindsets. Glenn explores the circumstances of multitasking that student do in classroom. Many students think that they can multitask as the Glenn puts in the article “From text messages to the lecture to Facebook to note taking and back again may walk away from the class” (Bullet 3). Students are assure that they are getting everything the professor says, but studies shows that students miss a lot of important information because of this illusion. Glenn includes many professors’ views on multitasking with varies thoughts on how they choose different methods to deliver their information to student eliminating any obstacle. Clifford Nass the professor of psychology at Stanford University did an experiments on multitaskers. He found that multitaskers did worse on the experiment than the students who were very focused on one task at a time. Glenn also includes the views of Professor David E. Myer. According to professor Myer even a paper and pen will also distract the student. Myers says that if students are start taking notes, they will definitely miss the important information on the topic (bullet I had opportunity to attend classes in India. During my education journey I took a math class In India. Professor was very tired of students using cellphones to text each other and surf on the internet even after suspending three students disrupting the class by using cellphones. He came up with an Idea to completely cut off the radio signal of the cellphones while students are inside the classroom. Our math instructor bought and installed a device inside classroom called cellphone jammer, to stop the communication between the cellphones and tower delivered the cellphone signals. At the end of semester he told us how average class grade increased by 7% after stopping the cellphone signal with his

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