Distributive Justice: Inequality in Virtue Ethics and Ethical Egoism

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Inequality in Virtue Ethics and Ethical Egoism

Distributive justice attempts to limit economic inequalities that may arise in a society and is often associated with a minimum standard of living. While political equality concerns a citizen's political power, economic equality is commonly equated to equal opportunity, though the two are not mutually exclusive (Justice and Equality). In this paper I will explore the virtues of charity, tolerance, and empathy, considering their potential contribution to the reduction of inequality. I will begin by showing how reducing inequality is beneficial to both individuals and society and is in the individuals true self-interest.

In the first section, I will examine how the thinkers Aristotle, Locke, and Rousseau have addressed the causes of inequality. Aristotle suspects that luck and nature play an important role in social inequalities, Locke attributes natural endowments among individuals to their product of labor which produce inequality but is also legally protected through private property, while Rousseau similarly considered natural advantages that lead to slight disparities which accumulate over time and manifest as inequality. Next, I will identify issues that arise from inequality. Issues stemming from inequality including negative externalities such as crime, lower overall productivity, and decreased economic growth make explicit the importance and benefits of reducing inequality from an economic standpoint. Mitigating the natural differences or luck that also generate inequality is an ethical imperative and a political ideal that may be akin to equal opportunity. The rational actor pursuing self-interest should also be charitable and the tradition of virtue ethics provides a nor...

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