Distracted Driving Speech

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Tonight, after class I was driving home, my stomach was growling so I stopped and got a chicken sandwich from chic-fil-a. I couldn’t wait till I got home to eat it. I figured I could eat it and drive. I was trying to open the mayonnaise while turning into the busy street. I looked down to grab the sandwich when all the sudden I swerved into the opposite lane of traffic and hit a truck head-on. All I can hear is the music I was listening to blaring, almost as if it got louder. When I got to the hospital the police asked me what happened. I didn’t know what to say. I was distracted by eating and maybe if the music wasn’t so loud I could've heard the truck honk at me. Distracted driving has real consequences, it only takes on a tenth of a second the look away and you can put yourself and others in danger. Distracted driving is common among teens and they are new drivers and can be distracted by anything. Even the smallest things can be a distraction in the car and have serious repercussions. …show more content…

Out of that 35% of those teens admit they text and drive anyway. Texting and driving have become more prominent as teenagers cannot get enough of their phones. Because phones are so easily accessible young drivers think they are able to multitask. Young drivers are just becoming too comfortable in the car and it is costing lives. 11 teens a day die from texting and driving (Texting While Driving). Many smartphones are now able to detect when a person is driving and can mute notifications or access to the phone until they have entered their password once they reach their destination. Not only is texting while driving unsafe, it is illegal and can get you a hefty ticket if not already a greater

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