Distracted Drivers

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Many times, we find ourselves distracted while behind the wheel of a vehicle, whether it be because of our cell phone use or our wandering minds. This lack of attention to the road and awareness of the vehicles around us has led to countless avoidable accidents. Reported by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHFTA), ten percent of fatal crashes and fourteen percent of all highway crashes were caused by distracted drivers in the year 2015 (NHFTA). A world free of distracted drivers would allow for everyone on the roads to have a little more peace of mind knowing their chance of being in an accident is much lower. That world is a possibility in the near future due to the advancements in driverless car technologies. Self-driving …show more content…

This autonomous level allows the car to drive itself most of the time, but allows the human passenger to take over in certain situations, unlike a level 5 self-driving car that can drive under any condition and circumstance and has no need for manual controls (Dormehl and Edelstein). In this paper, I will give a more in-depth explanation of the improvement in safety by switching to self-driving cars, along with educated reasoning for why they should not be fully independent from human control and a rebuttal for counterarguments against limiting the control of these future innovations. Self-driven cars will provide for a safer transportation environment by removing the human error factor off of the table, but will still need to be operated and controlled by a human in certain traffic …show more content…

One of the major concerns will be the availability of these cars due to the high prices people are foreseeing to expect due to the advanced nature of the automobiles. Fortunately, companies like Nissan are focusing on affordability for average consumers, with Volvo following in its footsteps (Fagella). Another concern about self-driving cars is that they will take a substantial amount of jobs away from people that have jobs in transportation, such as taxi and bus drivers. This is no issue of concern, as transportation jobs fade, new jobs will be opened up in the industry. Car companies are planning to create new jobs to accommodate the production and assistance of the new cars, with Hyundai leading the pack expecting to add 3,000 jobs in the upcoming years and General Motors to add over 1,000 new jobs as well (Fagella). Most of the concerns about self-driving cars have a solution, while the consumer’s biggest worry should only be choosing what color they

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