Distracted By Technology Essay

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The basic purpose of this report is to enter into an argument that human beings are highly distracted by technology. It has been observed that the emergence of new technologies has created a serious tool to the personal and professional lives of many people across the world. Human beings waste energy, attention and time on unimportant interactions and information, remaining busy but generating something of a little or no value at all. In today’s society, the use of ubiquitous technological devices has created distraction for large number of students and professionals around the world, as a result of which they find it difficult to complete their work tasks in a specified time frame (Sam, 2014). It has been reported by Larry and Alexandra (2015) that excessive use of digital technologies, is considered to be a major issue in today’s workplace. While being at workplace, people spend considerable amount of time in using smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktops, as a result of which they get increasingly bombarded with large number of alerts and messages. It makes them difficult to fully concentrate on one specific task. At Stanford University, it has been demonstrated by Clifford Nass and his team that “people who regularly juggle several streams of …show more content…

With the use of technological devices, the users gain necessary assistance to navigate various audio recordings, video clips, images and pages. This web surfing has proven to be extremely useful, both in professional and educational settings. Without the use of internet technologies, users might experience some delay in performing their work activities. Use of information technologies make it easier for students and professional to search right kind of information, which in turn triggers the overall productivity of workers (McKinsey and Company,

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