Disrespected In Prometheus Bound

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In Prometheus Bound, Prometheus was to be chained to a tower at a place that abandoned, no sign of civilization. In the book, it says, “Throw the chains on him… Clamp his wrists, real hard… Slap those iron bands around his ribs.”(Prometheus Bound 32-33) This is his punishment for giving fire to humans and for loving them too which is proven in the book when it says, “Myself, I knew all this and knew it all along. Still, I meant to be wrong. I knew what I was doing. Helping mankind…”(Prometheus Bound 42) Zeus believed that what Prometheus did, disrespected the Gods, giving humans the opportunity to gain hope. This hope is what Zeus doesn’t want humans to have because hope is what makes humans stronger and strive for more out of their short life spans. …show more content…

Without the humans giving gifts to the Gods, the Gods will no longer be important anymore because of the human's thoughts of finally gaining the power of being Gods. Prometheus’s imprisonment was meant to install him with embarrassment and vulnerability. In Prometheus Bound, it says, “Nobody’s here, no human voice will come through to you. When the bloom on your cheek is burnt black by the sun you’ll be glad when night with her veils of starcloud covers up the glare.”(Prometheus Bound 30) This place was meant to isolate Prometheus, separating him from man and leaving him out in the open for Gods to laugh at him. As some Gods and Goddesses visited him, he tried to turn them away because he thought that they were there to laugh at him. What really happened was that they heard his story and scolded him for doing what he did. Prometheus thought that his punishment was too harsh but even through that he didn’t believe that his imprisonment was going to last forever, actually he knew it wasn’t going to last

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