Discussion of How Christians Can Put Their View of Racism into Action

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Discussion of How Christians Can Put Their View of Racism into Action

All of the Christian teachings on racism have originally started from

the teachings of the scripture. It is because of this that Christians

are aware that they have a responsibility to bring peace and

reconciliation. However not all Christians take up this

responsibility, maybe this is due to the fact that most people today

go with the majority and rarely speak out as an individual.

Some people however have stood up for themselves and spoken out in an

attempt to gain justice without using violent methods to prove their

points, they are known as Christian Pacifists. There are many

well-known Christian Pacifists, such as Martin Luther King, Desmond

Tutu and Trevor Huddleston. They believed that anything that causes

physical harm and suffering was bad, and that there is always other

ways of solving a problem.

In the Southern states of America in the 1950's and 1960's

discrimination and prejudice against black people was very common.

People in the black community feared that the situation was going to

worsen and become like South Africa where black people's earnings were

only about half of those who where white.

Martin Luther King, the American Baptist Minister; is very famous for

his work against racism. In Montgomery; Alabama, like most towns in

the southern states buses were segregated. On 1st December 1955 Rosa

Parks, a middle aged women who was tired after a heard days work

refused to give up her bud seat to a white man. After the arrest of

Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King and his friends helped to organise

protests against bus segregation. It was decided t...

... middle of paper ...

...the Church.

v To raise the CARJ profile within the Church and in the wider


There are mainly two different ways by which Christians respond to

racism. Violent and non-violent. Some groups such as the Ku Klux Klan

and the Aryan Brotherhood promote hatred and violence; many Christians

join such groups and put their beliefs into action. Many treacherous

things have happened as a consequence of these groups, innocent men,

women and children have died because of the actions of such groups.

However these groups seem to get away with it. This is because they

claim that the Bible has told them to act the way that they are, which

can reflect badly on the church as this could mean that the church

itself is guilty of discrimination and prejudice against people of

different ethnic minorities other than their own.

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