Discuss the changes Nisa has witnessed over the course of her life paying special attention to the political and formalized leadership aspects of ...

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The theme in Nisa based on “changes” is in Nisa opens with an introduction by Shostak which describes the transformation of Nisa’s people. The place, Dobe, takes in the region of Africa, in northwest Botswana and at the edge of the Kalahari Desert. The definition of change is “to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone”, and political organization is the definition of “… comprises those portions of social origination that specifically relate to the individual or groups that manage the affairs of public policy or seek to control the appointment or activities of those individuals or groups.” The book, “Nisa” by Marjorie Shostak explain the !Kung way of life is increasing difficult because they didn’t have enough resources. There weren’t enough social differentiation, the relative access individuals and groups have to basic material resources, wealth, power, and prestige, and no group is allowed to have the access to material resources or has power over others. Not every country has well politic because some countries that have bad politics will have hard time surviving. But will the “change” happen?
First, a lot of people didn’t have enough resources or their resources weren’t very reliable, and many people there had hard time going through survivals. Their resources did not have some benefits or sometimes seasonal could give people hard times like, “springs became contaminated by the cattle and goats watered nearby. The concentration of animals, animal droppings, and gourds of fresh and cultured milk brought swarms of flies.” A lot of !Kung people died from sickness. There were disease that spread throughout !Kung tribes. Shostak m...

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... trading system, store-bought goods, !Kung people had better appliances, clothes, shelters, and better daily life. Shostak stated, “!Kung hut style is also changing: huts are now being built to last, with sturdy frames, mud-base plaster walls, and separate thatched roofs- replicas of Bantu huts.” This evidence that their life-style is changing and improving their systems. Parents are busier than they were before. She mentioned, “Adults are also busy with the tasks of the settled villages: elaborate thorn-bush fences have to be erected and repaired to protect gardens; planting and weeding have to be done; new huts, often requiring a week’s work, have to be built, plastered, and maintained..” This points out that parents, kids, workers, and other people are getting working together well. This evidence out that their lives are more comfortable than they were before.

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