Diocletian Imperial Anarchy

578 Words2 Pages

Brittany Engels
HIST 101 03PR
October 2, 2014
Response Paper 1

During the turn from ancient to medieval, there were multiple vital points that pivoted the shifts between the two periods. Starting out with an imperial anarchy, where emperors seem to come as fast as they go, to the romanization of Christianity and the upbringing methods of this in the Roman society. Diocletian’s attempts at reconstructing and renewing the empire and Constantine with the Christianization of the Roman empire were closer to the middle of the shift, while the German tribes turning into the German Kingdoms in the western part of the empire were closer to the end. Finally, Justinian’s reassertion of Roman influence closed out the shift, moving from ancient to medieval times. For the most part, the three main components to all of these events that happened between this shift were the tardy Roman civilization, the new religion of Christianity along with the Germans and the combination of these three. …show more content…

Due to this, the economy declined and the rise of the military came to light. The social classes shifted as the gap between the rich and the poor widened, and inflation ended up taking a toll on the empire from debasement of the Roman coins, and eventually, the population of the Roman empire began its spiral downwards. The rise of Christianity in the Roman empire was becoming more known, however still “underground” and using other methods to communicate theories and stories. The amount of Christians still populated a very small amount in comparison to the entire empire, and was more prevalent in the eastern and country

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