Diffused Mode

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A boy studies hard for his upcoming exams, yet he fails most of them. He has tried various learning strategies to get a high grade, so what did he do wrong? Frustrated, confused, and upset, the boy thought of himself as stupid. This is the problem for most learners. They tried many learning techniques and strategies that seem effective to pass. “Learning How to Learn” is a course that talks about how the mind works in learning, how basic behaviors such as sleep affect the efficiency of learning, and the effective strategies in learning a concept. The brain has two modes of learning: focus mode and diffuse mode. Focused mode is mainly what the brain concentrates for. For example, solving a math problem. Diffused mode is the relax state of the brain. In this state, the brain subconsciously connect various ideas. The modes of learning is compared with a pinball machine. In focused mode, the tight bumpers of the pinball machine are closer together for the pinball, which is the thought, to help keep the concentration in one area. In diffused mode, the tight bumpers of the pinball machine are farther apart for the pinball, which is the thought, to move in various areas of thinking. …show more content…

When a person thinks of doing a work they think is exhausting, his or her brain interprets the work as “pain” and find ways to avoid experiencing it. To counteract this problem, a twenty-five minute session of focused work called Pomodoro is used. The Pomodoro is a technique in which the brain focuses in the work for twenty-five minutes. As the individual works, he or she will be fully devoted in finishing the task. The brain can focus on a task for twenty-five minutes. After doing four Pomodoro sessions with five minute breaks in between sessions because the brain needs time to process the information, a long break is required to recuperate from mental fatigue. The breaks should be able to avoid the concept the individual is

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