Differential Reinforcement

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Differential reinforcement is defined as replacing a negative behavior with a positive behavior. Differential reinforcement also focuses on a specific behavior to address to create a specific positive reinforcer. With differential reinforcement, the positive behavior is the target behavior that will be recorded to determine the amount of positive outcomes. To record a differential reinforcer, the observer would record how many times the appropriate behavior occurred or when the negative behavior did not occur. By using differential reinforcement, teachers will be encouraged to find positive behavior alternatives instead of punishment and create a positive classroom environment.

What are the 4 different types of differential reinforcement? …show more content…

The teacher will observe for a set amount of time and observe during that time period if the problem behavior occurred. Differential reinforcement of other behavior reinforces a student when the negative behavior does not occur. One example of a differential reinforcement of other behavior that I have noticed in my practicum is when my teacher is conducting a reading lesson. A student in my class is often off task, talks to peers, walks around the room or does not follow along with the story. My teacher will observe the student during her reading lesson and observe if he was off task. If he is on task, reading along, listening and not talking to others, the teacher will reinforce him by thanking him after the lesson for following along and giving him a punch on his punch card. I can use this in my practicum with off task behaviors during a lesson. I will focus on reinforcing a positive on task behavior by noticing when the negative behavior does not occur. Another example of differential reinforcement of other behavior I have seen in my practicum is during small group math lessons. For small group math lessons, the teacher will ask a small group of students math problems to solve and the students will write down on a whiteboard their work and answer. A student during small group math lessons will choose to draw and doodle on his whiteboard instead of participating in the small group exercise. My teacher will observe the student during small group time and record after the small group exercise when the off task/doodling behavior did not occur. If the student actively was engaged and participating in the small group lesson the teacher will verbally praise the student and thank the student for participating. I will use this in my practicum to avoid constant redirection during small group and provide reinforcement when the student

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