Difference Between Korean And English Language

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According to one article, over the past two decades, countries in the world have become more and more interdependent, and new technologies have erased many existing borders. As boundaries between countries are dissolved, foreign language instruction has become more necessary than ever for linking with the rest of the world and for producing an enlightened citizenship able to function in today’s ever-shrinking world. (Morris, http://www.learnnc.org/lp/pages/759) For the people who are learning any other languages, before start to study, it is obviously important that knowing differences between two languages, their own language and others. The purpose of this article is to explore differences between Korean and English. And then, it will be …show more content…

This rule often makes people confused whenever they translate in their brains. While the structure order of English is “subject + verb + object”, the structure order of Korean is “subject + object”. For instance, unlike with English, students assignment do in Korea. Hence, there is a saying in Korea that “people need to listen until the end of the sentences.” This means people never know if the speaker is talking about past, present, future, positive or negative until the speaker finished her or his speech. On the other hand, people can know who and what the speaker does, unless people listen to the whole …show more content…

It is often shown that all the Koreans say something indirectly. It seems as if Korean has different way of thinking with the native English speakers. It has been reported that in contrast to English students, Korean students tend to express themselves in general, even when asked to communicate their ideas. This is because they have been trained to think inclusively and it is emphasized that moderation is considered the supreme virtue in the civilization of Korea. (Byung-Eun Cho, 2004) Also, all the Korean students are thought that patience is the most important virtue. Therefore, they are not get used to express what and how they think. On the other hand, in contrast to Korean students, English students feel comfortable to express their opinion. This is the biggest different aspect between Korean and

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