Differences And Similarities Between King Arthur And Guinevere

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If it was one thing King Arthur appreciated, it was the warmth of his bed on a frosty winter morning, especially when his wife lay beside him sleeping peacefully. He relished these moments of peace, recognizing they would not last, as their child was due to arrive any time now. In a haze of half-wakefulness, Arthur recalled the smile on Guinevere’s face during the castle Yule Feast a few weeks prior, her enthusiastic laughter, and the way she danced, with such grace, despite her ungainly size. He did not think of her as ungainly, but that was the word she used to describe her shape. And Arthur had to admit, wandering about with a belly that protruded that much must be cumbersome. But above all, Arthur was incredibly grateful that he and Guinevere were closer than ever. They had weathered the storm …show more content…

“But that reminds me, I was in the market yesterday, and I heard that—” “Why were you in the market? Didn’t Alis tell you to reduce your activity? Put your feet up? There’s no need for you to go to the market, Guinevere. If you need something, we’ll send someone to fetch it.” Realizing this might start an argument, Arthur braced himself for his wife’s reaction. Her emotional outbursts were frequent these days, and normal, according to Alis, but why couldn’t Guinevere relax for once, especially when she was so. She might slip, or someone might take advantage of a heavily pregnant woman in the market. “Arthur, stop. I had a half score of guards with me, which is excessive, I might add, and if anything had happened, they could have carried me straight back to the castle. Besides, I wanted special cloth for the baby.” Her chin wobbled and her eyes glistened with tears. “I’m making something special for the baby, a little knights’ cloak, even if it’s a girl. But I wanted cloth that was supple, not thick or scratchy. It’s something I needed to see and feel myself,

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