Differences And Similarities Between Cinderella And Yen Shen

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In the chinese version of Cinderella, also known as “Yen-Shen”. The plot is similar and is very different compared to “Aschenputtel”. In the two stories the area of magic is very different. In “Aschenputtel” her mother dies and she has a large oak tree that grants her wishes, but in “Yen-Shen” her beautiful fish friend is brutally stabbed and cooked for dinner by the evil stepmother. Instead of a tree she has a pile of fish bones that grant her wishes. After we get past that part of the story, the two stories are very alike. Yen shen wants to go to the festival, but does not have any nice clothes to wear, so she asks the fish bones and then she goes to the festival. It is almost the same in “Aschenputtel”, It just has a couple different details.

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