Did Jay Gatsby Achieve The American Dream

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The Great Gatsby and The American Dream

The question is did Jay Gatsby achieve the American Dream? The American Dream is getting married, being rich and successful. In The Great Gatsby Nick Carraway goes to visit his cousin the beautiful and very wealthy who is married to Tom Buchanan over the summer. He moves into a house right beside Jay Gatsby. Gatsby lives across the bay from Daisy’s. Jay and Daisy have a past they were once in love before the war. Gatsby went off to the war and Daisy was forced to be married to Tom. Tom is a very shallow man he cheats on Daisy throughout the whole book with Myrtle Wilson a poor woman married to George Wilson who owns a gas station. Daisy knows of the occurrences. Nick and Gatsby become very good friends, …show more content…

Here are some reasons he did achieve The American Dream. Gatsby was a very rich man he even said,”It took me only three years to earn the money.” He had millions! To earn all that money back in the 1920’s in just three years time is crazy. He did achieve being a rich and wealthy man. Some people say he was a great man and had all he could ever want. “When Owl Eyes, believing that Gatsby is authentic, calls Gatsby “a regular Belasco.” They thought he was just like every other wealthy man. A rich man who made him money all by himself. It was not given to him by his family like …show more content…

He died with no children and no wife. No one to live on of his legacy and name. No one to leave him money to. No on to love him memory. “paid a high price for living too long with a single dream.” This proves he lived one dream which was one of riches. Not love, Gatsby and Daisy love was pure and real but, Daisy was a very timid girl and did what she was told by her husband. “Only the dead dream fought on as the afternoon slipped away...” This is saying he died so young and fast. He didn’t even get to live his whole life. He dreamed of having a full life with Daisy. He didn’t even really get to be with Daisy, because she was still with Tom and I don’t think she ever planned on leaving Tom. He never even got to live out the American Dream.
He was not accepted by all the other businessmen. They were old money and he was new money. For example, Tom was from old money so didn’t have to do a thing for his money. Jay did. He didn’t make his money legally but he worked for it. Tom even accuses Gatsby saying, “He and this Wolfshiem bought up a lot of side-street drug-stores here and in Chicago and sold grain alcohol over the counter.” He is accusing him of selling alcohol over the counter illegally. Which he is that’s how he made all his money in that three years doing illegal

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