Dichotomy Between The Scarlet Letter And Rousseau's

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Nathanial Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter used the dichotomy of public versus private to emphasize one of the novel’s themes: to conform to society or to be tenacious. This dichotomy can be applied to Hester and Dimmesdale’s transgressions. Similarly, Rousseau’s work helped to explain this, and those decisions can be reconciled by the community. A “force” can also be used to keep individual impulses in check. Whether or not to conform to society is explained in Rousseau’s Social Contract. This novel explained how freedom was possible in a civil society. Rousseau stated, “Man is born free, but he is everywhere in chains”. This quote relates to The Scarlet Letter since Dimmesdale had a free will, and had complete reign over his decisions. However, …show more content…

Dimmesdale had the opportunity to preach the election sermon, which was a great honor for any minister. As a result, Dimmesdale exclaimed, “At least they will say of me...that I leave no duty unfulfilled or badly performed!”[ch.20,239]. Furthermore, the narrator had contrary ideas. The narrator stated, “Sad, indeed, that an introspection...should be so miserably deceived! We have had...no evidence...that had long since begun to eat into the real substance of his character. No man...can wear one face to himself, and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true”[ch.20, 239]. Dimmesdale, being a minister, was extremely wise. However, his adultery caused him confusion, causing the “two-faced” Dimmesdale as stated by the narrator. He hid his transgressions from the community, which made his first face look like a completely sinless individual. His other face was a sinner’s; one that committed a severe crime. His other face described the effects of guilt under a seemingly perfect individual. The narrator stated that clarity of a true personality being two-faced is impossible. Ultimately, the narrator believes that a force, which is the Puritan community, must keep impulses in

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