Devin Udall In As Good As It Gets

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In the movie, “As Good as It Gets”, the main character Melvin Udall and many of the other characters experience concepts from our text material. These concepts include psychological disorders, anxiety, prejudice, social perception, interpersonal attraction, and all of these are shown throughout the movie. To identify if someone has a psychological disorder, psychologists look at behavior and see if the person shows signs of typicality, maladaptivity, emotional discomfort, socially unacceptable behavior- Melvin has many of these symptoms. He has maladaptive behavior, which is when the behavior impairs an individual’s ability to function adequately in everyday life, because he constantly does things like avoids the cracks on the sidewalk. Melvin portrays emotional discomfort when he goes to the same restaurant he goes to every day and his waitress, Carol, is not there. Melvin has expressed socially unacceptable behavior many times when he says rude things to people. Melvin Udall has an anxiety disorder- obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), which causes him to have socially unacceptable behavior. OCD is made up of obsessions and compulsions- Melvin doesn’t like germs (obsession) so he washes his hands with hot water (compulsion), uses a new bar of soap, throws away a pair of perfectly good gloves, etc… These obsessions can make a …show more content…

Stereo types are unchanging, oversimplified, and usually distorted beliefs about groups of people, and Melvin has some of his own. Some stereotypes that he uses are that all Jews have big noses, and he refers to Frank as the “colored guy down the hall”. Melvin does overcome some of his prejudice by increased contact among members of different groups. There is a homosexual named Simon and they go on a road trip with Carol, and learned more about one another as individuals which weakened the

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