Determining Successful Classroom Environments

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Determining successful classroom environments can be quite intimidating for any level of teacher. Even though I endure being a rookie teacher, I have an open mind to creativity and “winging it on the spot” considering the innovation of new spaces as well as discovering new learning methods are exciting elements of teaching. One of the numerous parts I found most intriguing was adolescent conversation and opinions. Students have a greater likelihood to succeed when they feel connected to school (page 2). The relationship begins with the teacher placing him/herself in a comfortable position with the student. That position occurs in environments outside of the imminent classroom: the hallway, at lunch, or during extracurricular activities. Relaxed …show more content…

She spoke of numerous “issues” concerning her students: “Joe has a reading problem. Ethan can’t sit still long enough to go over directions before he is lost in space. Lauren is mouthy and disrespectful.” I listened quietly and had little comment; in this case, her harsh words concerning my new students was disconcerting. Promoting Harmony discusses the “in-between years,”: exactly where my brand-new students are in their lives. Their emotions: misunderstood, lost, and frustrated resemble an emotional roller coaster because all students thirst for love and acceptance within their classrooms. If students realize a support system is available, they will work harder. I cannot enumerate the countless times I have dreaded getting up and rushing to work; however, I understood, at the same time, my students did not wish to be at school either. The book discussed various teacher/student conversations and scenarios. One particular incident displayed a teacher who was happy, and the students were cognizant that their teacher truly loved them. A true teacher understands that education begins in the heart; therefore, a teacher who hates what he/she is doing must change. The saying stands true, “A happy teacher and a happy

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